So tell me, which lifestyle seems more appealing?


Lifestyle Option #1

Wake to an alarm clock at 6am, roll out of bed, get dressed, and think about what you have time to make and eat for breakfast. While you’re getting dressed you gaze at yourself in the mirror and wonder how and when those extra few pounds showed up and how and when you’ll ever get rid of them.


You scarf down a bran muffin and some orange juice and you’re out the door because, as usual, you’re running a little late and you never know what traffic is going to be like. You get to work and there’s a pile a papers on your desk just screaming at you, and the first e-mail you read is from your boss. She wants to see you ASAP!


Lifestyle Option #2

You wake up (naturally) whenever that happens to be for you, but let’s say it’s around 6:30am. You lie in bed for a few minutes collecting your thoughts, sit up, and amble out of bed. While putting on your workout clothes you notice a slight decrease in your waistline and feel good about your exercise program and your eating habits.


You go for a nice jog or walk before coming home and making a healthy and delicious breakfast. You shower, get dressed and head into your home office to begin your day.


The first e-mail you read is from a new customer. Imagine that, you made money while you were working out!


So let me ask you again, which lifestyle seems more appealing?


Well I chose #2.


Yes, I fired my boss (figuratively speaking) about 10 years ago! Now I wake up when I want, have time to take care of myself and live a healthy lifestyle, and I have the ability to make money when I’m asleep, working out, or playing golf!


I wanted to ask you this (kind of obvious) question because I wanted to share with you what’s possible in the wonderful world we live in. The lifestyle in Option #2 is basically the lifestyle of the entrepreneur or business owner.  And it’s available to anyone!


Will you have to work? Of course you will. But who would you rather work for and make rich, yourself or your boss! And besides, if you become an entrepreneur doing something you love, you will never “work” another day in your life!


Life is too short to live at the whim, beck, and call of someone else (like your boss!).


If you think you would like to fire your boss, there are 3 things you MUST do to get the ball rolling.


1. Decide to do it! – One of the most powerful ways to energize yourself to do something  is to write down in specific detail how your life will be once you have fired your boss.


2. Take some action! – Never leave the scene of a decision without taking some form of action. I suggest you find a resource (a group, club, a book, or a blog) and learn more about what you intend to do.


3. Be persistent! – Everything in life worth doing has some type of road block or obstacle. Don’t give in and don’t give up. If you feel a little down or overwhelmed at any time just dive back into #2. Find another resource or get more out the resources you have.


Do these 3 steps and you’ll be well on your way. If I can help in any way please let me know!


To your success,



To your entrepreneurial success,

Del Lewis

P.S. If you’re feeling overloaded with information and you’re not getting the results you want - then you need to know - it’s not about the next great tip or product. It’s about implementation and execution! My team can work with you to get the outcomes you desire and the results you deserve! Click Here and See How We Do It!