Can you build USANA online? That’s one of the questions I get asked most often by entrepreneurs looking for the best home based business for themselves.

If you know anything about the explosion of online businesses in the past few years you’ll agree that it’s a great question. These savvy entrepreneurs (and soon the be entrepreneurs) are wondering how to combine 2 great concepts – USANA and the internet.

My name is Del Lewis. For over 25 years I have been starting and building businesses as an entrepreneur and an investor. About three years ago I started looking almost exclusively for online business opportunities. Today one the key businesses in my portfolio is my USANA business.

Here are 3 key things to think about as it relates to building USANA online (or any other business online).

First you must consider the backend system of the company you’re partnering with. Do they have an online presence? Do they have a corporate website you can point people to? Will they offer you a replicated website that you can use to market your online business? When I decided to build my USANA home based business the answers to these questions were critical. Fortunately, USANA is very up to speed with their web presence.

The second key consideration when building your business online is how you will build your list of prospects. The key advantage of building your business online is that you will market in such a way that people will come to you. There are several great list building trainings, tools, and systems out there. Make sure you have this nailed down if you want to do USANA online. You can go to my blog if you want an extensive list of these resources.

Third, and perhaps most importantly, you need a system to drive traffic to your door. No online business will ever be successful unless it has web based traffic on an ongoing basis. I first thing I did when I started my USANA online business was to get very clear on my traffic sources. Again, as with list building, there are a ton of great resources on traffic generation.

Unless you want to pester your family and friends in order to build your business, you must generate traffic. And it’s really easy to do once you get the right system.

USANA is one of the most cutting edge companies out there, and when you combine their outstanding products with a proven online system for traffic generation you have a winning combination.

To your entrepreneurial success,

Del Lewis

P.S. If you’re feeling overloaded with information and you’re not getting the results you want - then you need to know - it’s not about the next great tip or product. It’s about implementation and execution! My team can work with you to get the outcomes you desire and the results you deserve! Click Here and See How We Do It!