It is estimated that every year 600,000 new businesses are created. Ever wonder why?

Top 10 Reasons to Own Your Own Business

This could be considered the 2nd in a series about getting Rich. In an earlier article I gave my definition of “Rich” and said that owning your own business was the hands-down #1 best way to get “money rich”.

What I want to do here is give you the top 10 reasons you want to start and own your own business. Some of the reasons on this list are my opinions and others are the opinions of other entrepreneurs. I guess Inc magazine conducted a survey of entrepreneurs and asked them why they decided to be in business for themselves.

Here are the Top 10 reasons – theirs and mine:

1. It is the most powerful and effective way to create wealth for yourself. – Compared to what you can expect to make in an average 40 hour work week, you can make 100’s of times more by owning a business.

2. You can do something you are passionate about. – A wise person once said “do something you love and you’ll never have to work another day in your life”

3. You get to be the boss. – no more “working for the man”. Now you are “the man” (or woman).

4. Work/Life balance. If you’re the boss, you get to decide when you take a day off. Or, you get to decide that you want to work on a Sunday. You get to decide the dress code in your web design business and you decide what perks are awarded.

5. Every day is something new. – When you have a job its easy to get into a routine where nothing seems to change and you never feel challenged. Well, not so when you run the business. There is always something new to challenge you. And if nothing seems to appear, you can find your own challenges.

6. You can move at your own speed and pace. – If you’re a hard charger, no one is holding you back. If you’re deliberate and methodical then so be it. No one is looking over your shoulder and second guessing.

7. If you don’t like your salary you can change it. – Just try and do that when you work for someone else!

8. You can invest in your future. – Owning your own business is the single best investment you can make in your future. It’s possible that your business can be valuable many years after you’re gone. Just ask the Walton’s!

9. Sometimes it’s easier to start a business than it is to get a job. – In tough economic times jobs can be scarce but business opportunities always abound!

10. You can make a difference. – What you make, create, offer, or provide can literally change the world. And not only that, but depending on the type of business you own you can reduce unemployment

So what are you waiting for? Take a step forward and reap the rewards.

If you’re interested, excited, energized, or ready I can help.

Stay tuned for more…

To your entrepreneurial success,

Del Lewis

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