5 Great Books to Have on Your Office Bookshelf

If you’re an entrepreneur you’ve got to be a reader as well. Sure there are videos and audios out there that support you as an entrepreneur, but nothing can replace a good business book.

And business books don’t have to be dry, 10,000 page, instruction manuals either. Some of the most business savvy books I’ve read were also some of the most entertaining books I’ve ever read. I literally couldn’t put them down.

books for entrepreneursI have several great books that I would highly recommend, but here are 5 of my favorites, and why:

1. Rich Dad Poor Dad, by Robert Kiyosaki –

This is really the story of Robert’s business education. It’s about growing up with two dads – his Rich Dad, who was his best friend’s father and his Poor Dad, who was his real father. He tells us the valuable lessons he learned from each. If you want the foundational principals upon which to build your business and become rich, this book is great!

2. The E-Myth Revisited, by Michael Gerber –

I refer all my clients and partners to this book design advices because he does such a good job of describing what an entrepreneur is, and isn’t. If you are about to tell your boss to “take this job and shove it” because you think you can do it better, you probably can, but you better read this book first!

3. Start with Why, by Simon Sinek –

Do you know why people buy what they buy? The answer just might surprise you. This is a well-written and very engaging book. It literally turned one of my businesses upside down in the most positive way. Neglect this book at your own peril.

4. Social BOOM!, by Jeffrey Gitomer –

Social media for business is here in a big way. If you are an entrepreneur you have to know your way around this landscape. This book is an easy to understand road map. Get it and profit!

5. Steve Jobs, by Walter Isaacson –

Love Steve Jobs or hate him, admire his management style or despise it. Regardless, you can’t deny his results. I recently wrote another article outlining some of my most profound ah ha’s from the book (Steve Jobs article). Besides the practical entrepreneurial lessons to be learned, I think you’ll really enjoy the read.

There you have it, 5 of my all-time favorites.

I’ll close with a line from a great REO Speedwagon song…

“So if you’re tired of the same old story… turn some pages”!

Read and prosper my friends!

To your entrepreneurial success,

Del Lewis

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