If I listed 5 traits of a successful entrepreneur which one would you rank as most important?

Here’s the list:

Persistent, has a will to succeed, knows his/her line of business really well, thinks like a billionaire, is well capitalized.

Go ahead, seriously, which would you rank as most important? If you pick one that’s different than the one I believe is most important, it doesn’t mean you’re wrong or that you ultimately can’t or won’t be successful – so go ahead.

So which one did you pick?

If you chose ” thinks like a billionaire” then you and I are on the same page computer monitors Houston!

So, why do I believe your mindset is so important? It’s so important because EVERYTHING starts with a thought, and if you can believe it you can conceive it!

So just what is the mindset of a successful entrepreneur?

Well, here are 5 key traits:

  • The successful entrepreneur is fearless. And by fearless I mean he or she is not motivated by fear. They are not taking actions because they are afraid of what will be if they don’t. In this instance “fearless” is different from “carelessness”. The fearless entrepreneur takes well thought out action but never from a position of fear.
  • The successful entrepreneur has a strong and unwavering belief in their product or service. The successful entrepreneur believes that what they sell benefits their market in some unique way. If your business is focused simply on profit without value you will fail.
  • The successful entrepreneur understands and can articulate their “why”. In this case your “why” is not for you, but for your customer. I other worlds, you know why your product or service has value. This is huge because as Simon Sinek says in his book Start With Why, “people don’t buy what you do but why you do it”.
  • The successful entrepreneur is willing to burn his or her ships. I’m sure you’re familiar with the tale of the army that landed on the enemy’s shore to conquer the land and people. The army commander, upon seeing the immense size of the opponent realized that he needed for his troops to be 100% committed to the task. To insure commitment he had all his ships burned. As his troops watched their ships burning and sinking into the harbor, they realized the only way to ever return home was to win the battle and seize their opponent’s ships. From that point on they were 100% committed. This is a mindset successful entrepreneurs have.
  • And finally, the successful entrepreneur genuinely feels successful right now. This is not something one can fake. With out a doubt, successful entrepreneurs believe and feel as though they have “it” (whatever “it” is for them) right now!

The bottom line is” believing is seeing” and it all starts with your mindset.

To your success,

Del Lewis

To your entrepreneurial success,

Del Lewis

P.S. If you’re feeling overloaded with information and you’re not getting the results you want - then you need to know - it’s not about the next great tip or product. It’s about implementation and execution! My team can work with you to get the outcomes you desire and the results you deserve! Click Here and See How We Do It!