Millions of hard working people from all backgrounds visit the Internet everyday searching for ways to change their lifestyle, become more financially independent and gain freedom from the “rat race” that is dragging them through life like a ball and chain.

They’re excited about making money online and having their own home business. After all, you can spend more time at home. Get out of bed when you want, leave the “office” whenever you feel like it, even take the day off without having to ask someone else’s permission. And the list goes on.

But in order to succeed you have to have he right mindset. This is critical because a lot will be thrown your way – a lot of it good, and some not so good. The reality of making money online and working from home and the popular perception can be very different.

When you work for yourself, you are the boss, the CEO, the President, the janitor, the secretary, the employee, and several other things. You’re the company, down to every last detail. It is totally up to you to make things happen. No one will be standing over your shoulder telling you “here’s your job”.

A big part of your new mindset is to understand that this is a numbers game, and as your numbers increase so will your business skill and your financial and time freedom.

One of the things that will help your mindset immensely is creating a system by which you run your business. And the real key is setting up this system first, then consistently following that system over and over for a stream of cash flowing into your business.

So the bottom line for your bottom line is getting in the right frame of mind. The quickest way to do this is to keep the end in mind – the reason “why” you’re doing this.

Once you do this, you’ll be better prepared to build and grow your own business without a life jacket.

Most importantly, have a plan in place. Never start blindly. You can’t “wing it” or you’ll find yourself quickly drowning. Find a proven and tested system for making money online and work that system consistently.

It takes focus, persistence and support from friends and loved ones and the understanding that you are a business owner now. And now that you’re armed with this information, go out and claim your piece of the pie. If I can help, please let me know.

Del Lewis

To your entrepreneurial success,

Del Lewis

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