Tag: working from home

The System Is The Key – Start Out On The Right Foot!

In 1952 a middle aged salesman walked through the doors of a business in San Bernardino, CA and his life changed forever! What he saw was an operation that worked like a Swiss watch. High school aged kids were producing a product easily and effortlessly with perfect precision every time. As he watched the business… Read More

Have a Home Based Business? Here Are 5 Musts!

If you’re an entrepreneur with a home based business or you’re thinking about starting a business from home, here are 5 musts… I’m an entrepreneur and an investor and I’ve run my various businesses and investments from our home for over 10 years now. My household dynamics have changed over the years – my youngest… Read More

Would You Like to Fire Your Boss? If so, 3 things you MUST do!

So tell me, which lifestyle seems more appealing?   Lifestyle Option #1 Wake to an alarm clock at 6am, roll out of bed, get dressed, and think about what you have time to make and eat for breakfast. While you’re getting dressed you gaze at yourself in the mirror and wonder how and when those… Read More

Anything Worth Doing Is… “Worth Doing”!

All to often would be entrepreneurs never even get stated because they think they need to hit a home run right out of the box. The other challenge entrepreneurs have is that hey feel everything has to be “just right” or they will be viewed as “less than good”, or not measuring up. NOTHING COULD… Read More

The Entrepreneurial Mindset

Millions of hard working people from all backgrounds turn to the Internet everyday searching for ways to change their lifestyle. Most will fail because they don’t have the proper mindset.

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