Tag: michael gerber

The Successful Entrepreneur’s Must Reads

5 Great Books to Have on Your Office Bookshelf If you’re an entrepreneur you’ve got to be a reader as well. Sure there are videos and audios out there that support you as an entrepreneur, but nothing can replace a good business book. And business books don’t have to be dry, 10,000 page, instruction manuals… Read More

Entrepreneur or Superman – Who Makes More Money

Fellow entrepreneurs please comment on this and share your story! I love this description from Michael Gerber’s The E-Myth Revisited: “Picture the typical entrepreneur and Herculean pictures come to mind: a man or woman standing alone, wind-blown against the elements, bravely defying insurmountable odds, climbing sheer faces of treacherous rock – all to realize the… Read More

So You Want to Start a Business?

Another Entrepreneurial Seizure and Another Business is Born! First, tell me if one of these scenarios sounds familiar to you. These are stereotypic situations of the entrepreneur before he or she starts their business. If you currently own your own business or if you are thinking of starting your own business see if you can… Read More

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