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Do You Want What I Want? – PART 3

Make sure you read Part 1 & Part 2 of this series first. At the end of Part 2 I said I would tell you in detail what I REALLY want. And here’s what THAT looks like: To help me paint the picture for you I’m going to share with you something only a handful… Read More

Do You Want What I Want? – Part 2

This post probably won’t make any sense to you unless you’ve first read Part 1. At the end of that first post in this series I stated that … I want to be creating and living life dynamically. Now you’ll notice that I used “ing” words – “creating”, “living” – That’s because, after a lot… Read More

Do You Want What I Want? – PART 1

What do you want? I’m sure you’ve asked that question, and been asked that question, hundreds or even thousands of times! “What do you want, John?” “Mary, what do you REALLY want?” As a father of 3, husband, entrepreneur, and partner to several CEO’s, I’ve asked that question countless times. Then one morning, not long… Read More

Car Tires and Building A Successful Business

What could a car tire have to do with building a successful business you ask? Well after today, a heck of lot more than I would have originally thought. It actually all started on Sunday evening. I was driving back from the grocery store after shopping for a barbeque we were planning to have with… Read More

The Successful Entrepreneur’s Must Reads

5 Great Books to Have on Your Office Bookshelf If you’re an entrepreneur you’ve got to be a reader as well. Sure there are videos and audios out there that support you as an entrepreneur, but nothing can replace a good business book. And business books don’t have to be dry, 10,000 page, instruction manuals… Read More

Entrepreneur or Superman – Who Makes More Money

Fellow entrepreneurs please comment on this and share your story! I love this description from Michael Gerber’s The E-Myth Revisited: “Picture the typical entrepreneur and Herculean pictures come to mind: a man or woman standing alone, wind-blown against the elements, bravely defying insurmountable odds, climbing sheer faces of treacherous rock – all to realize the… Read More

Why Facebook Is the Absolute Worst Investment For An Entrepreneur!

So did you get your hands on some Facebook stock last Friday? Chances are you didn’t because, let’s face it, it was really only open to the “Billionaire Club” and to large institutional investors. We simple millionaires, and up-and-coming millionaires, have to wait until things settle down and the Big Boys (and Big Girls) have… Read More

Starting a Business – Where Do You Start?

I recently read an article about “what type of business to start”. The article outlined 5 different questions you should ask yourself before deciding which type of business to start. The questions were good ones to consider, and there are some hidden nuggets in them so I’ll go over what they were in just a… Read More

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