Tag: ceo

Do You Want What I Want? – Part 2

This post probably won’t make any sense to you unless you’ve first read Part 1. At the end of that first post in this series I stated that … I want to be creating and living life dynamically. Now you’ll notice that I used “ing” words – “creating”, “living” – That’s because, after a lot… Read More

Do You Want What I Want? – PART 1

What do you want? I’m sure you’ve asked that question, and been asked that question, hundreds or even thousands of times! “What do you want, John?” “Mary, what do you REALLY want?” As a father of 3, husband, entrepreneur, and partner to several CEO’s, I’ve asked that question countless times. Then one morning, not long… Read More

Lessons Learned From Steve Jobs

Recently, Walter Isaacson, the author of Steve Jobs’ official biography, wrote an article for Harvard Business Review talking about what we as entrepreneurs and CEO’s can learn from Jobs. Here is my take on 5 of the lessons Isaacson highlights: Impute: The moral behind this first lesson is that people do judge a book by… Read More

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