I think you would agree that in some form or fashion we all morn the passing of someone we’ve known. We feel for our own loss and we feel for the loss of those closest to them.

When someone I know passes I always think of what my grandfather told (and taught) me about how he dealt with the death of someone he knew. He told me he always focused on how they positively impacted him, and he focused on celebrating all the good they had brought to him.

That was one of the many, many tools he taught me and it has served me so well over the years.

With that in mind I want to share “an encounter” I had yesterday.

I was re-reflecting on this encounter this morning after my workout and it reminded me (as if I didn’t already know) just how “cool” life can be.

The “encounter” wasn’t really an encounter all but a conversation I had with my Dad.

Yesterday morning we were texting each other about the passing of Vernon Jordan, the civil rights leader, business person, and confidant to several presidents. After several texts we decided to hop on the phone and continue our conversation.

Today, reflecting back, I was thinking how cool is it to have a conversation with your father and share all the funny, interesting, and individually unique stories you have about a “famous” person in the news. That’s exactly what he and I did yesterday morning, remembering Vernon Jordan.

Thanks Vernon for all you did for so many people, for being the larger-than-life presence that you were, and for the meetings, conversations, opportunities, and laughs my dad and I shared with you. 

And thanks Dad for bringing so many people, and so much meaning, into my life over all the many years you and I have walked this earth as father and son.

Just wanted to share…

To your entrepreneurial success,

Del Lewis

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