You might think I’m crazy, sitting here at the end of 2011 and asking you to comment about the internet! You might think I’m crazy because for so many of us the internet is a real part of our everyday lives.

Point in fact: You wouldn’t even be reading this if it weren’t for the internet 🙂

But here’s why I’m writing this, and here’s what I want you to comment on – Are you using the internet to start, build, and grow your own business?

It’s often been said that there are only 7 ways to get rich:

  1. Inherit it
  2. Marry it
  3. Invest for it
  4. Get lucky, win the lottery
  5. Work for a company
  6. Break the law: steal, deal, or con
  7. Be an entrepreneur
In my opinion, the best way to become wealthy, legally, ethically, and morally is to be an entrepreneur!

In his book Get Rich Click!, Marc Ostrofsky writes the following:

“The internet is quickly changing the world as we know it. For the first time in history, a single businessperson can compete on equal footing with large, multinational firms. Anyone can sell something, collect the money for the item, then go purchase it and send it to the buyer. Today, armed with nothing more than information and a little bit of know-how, people are becoming millionaires. Thanks to the internet.”

I highly recommend Marc’s book, BTW. You can get it here: Get Rich Click!

Now I want to hear from you!

What are your thoughts about using the internet as a business tool to create wealth for you?

Just so you know, when I talk about wealth, and getting rich, please understand that I believe that it is entirely up to you as to how you define that. If you want to be a mogul and make “mega-bucks”, great. If you want to make enough money to pay your bills, live in a comfortable home and take a decent vacation every now and then, that’s cool to. The neat thing is that both (and everything in between) all possible when you own your own business.

BTW, if you would like to see the model I’ve created to make owning your own successful, sustainable business a reality for anyone —–> then click on the video you see toward the bottom of this page

Don’t forget to comment! And if you like the question and the ideas here, you can always Tweet this out to your “tribe”. Just click on the Tweet button at the top of this post.

Talk soon,

To your entrepreneurial success,

Del Lewis

P.S. If you’re feeling overloaded with information and you’re not getting the results you want - then you need to know - it’s not about the next great tip or product. It’s about implementation and execution! My team can work with you to get the outcomes you desire and the results you deserve! Click Here and See How We Do It!