So, is Network Marketing – sometimes referred to as Multi-Level Marketing, or MLM – a real business?

The short answer is NO!

Okay, end of story, article over – go home!

Just kidding!

Let me tell you why Network Marketing or MLM is NOT a real business. I think you might be a little surprised by my answer.

You might be thinking “great, someone is finally going to say MLM is a pyramid scheme”.

NO, that’s not where I’m headed. Actually I don’t think network marketing is a pyramid scheme at all.

The reason I say MLM is NOT a real business is because network marketing is not actually a business at all. You always hear people talk about “this network marketing company…” or “that MLM organization…” or “that person is a network marketer”.

The truth is they are all mis-statements because there is no such thing as an MLM company or a network marketer.

Network Marketing or Multi-Level Marketing is in actuality nothing more than a specific system or model for marketing a product or service.

Network Marketing is just another method to market and sell something. The key word, of course is “marketing”.

And what is “marketing”?

Well, in it’s simplest terms, “marketing” is just a name for “letting people know you have something to sell”. And the way we do that in Network Marketing is by word of mouth through our network.

Make sense?

So, what about Multi-Level Marketing you might ask. That certainly sounds like a pyramid, doesn’t it?

Great question!

Here, I’ve got to admit, the chosen term (Multi-Level Marketing) really doesn’t help the overall perception. But let me tell you how to dissect the term so you get the proper meaning.

When people use the term Multi-Level Marketing what they are really referring to is the way a person is compensated for marketing a product or service. The Multi-Level part of the term means that someone can receive compensation from the marketing done by the people they market to.

Simply put, if I market to you, and you by the product, I will be compensated.

Then if you decide you also want to make some money for marketing and you go out and market and sell to someone else, you will be compensated for your efforts and I will be compensated (to a lesser degree) because you’re marketing efforts were the result of me marketing to you in the first place.

And here’s why it is NOT a pyramid scheme…

Because even though you are marketing and being compensated because of me (in a sense because I “hired” you) you have the ability to make more money than me if you are a better marketer than me. If it were a pyramid I would always make more than you.

So you see, there are no such things as MLM companies. There are only real companies that make or offer real products or services. And they choose to use person to person networking, direct selling, of Network Marketing to get their product or service known and ultimately sold.

Therefore Network Marketing companies don’t exist and ARE NOT REAL COMPANIES!

There is a lot of confusion out there about this, and it has caused some great companies with some great products or services to not reach the success they should. One of the biggest problems is people who agree to market for a company and then immediately (and constantly) market the business opportunity and not the product or service.

If you feel you might like to own your own marketing company and market an outstanding product or service but the only exposure you have had so far is being approached by someone wanting to sell you the opportunity (or “the dream”). I’d be happy to have a conversation with you so you can see the other side of the coin.

I have owned my own business for over 7 years now. I AM NOT a network marketer selling an opportunity. Instead, my business is compensated very well because we market and sell and outstanding product and I have built a strong team that works with me.

I truly hope this has shed some light on what can be a confusing topic.

Del Lewis


p.s. – If you would like to know more about my business click here. If you have a question, any question at all, please comment below.


To your entrepreneurial success,

Del Lewis

P.S. If you’re feeling overloaded with information and you’re not getting the results you want - then you need to know - it’s not about the next great tip or product. It’s about implementation and execution! My team can work with you to get the outcomes you desire and the results you deserve! Click Here and See How We Do It!