In 1952 a middle aged salesman walked through the doors of a business in San Bernardino, CA and his life changed forever!

What he saw was an operation that worked like a Swiss watch.

High school aged kids were producing a product easily and effortlessly with perfect precision every time. As he watched the business in action the salesman realized that the system was so well designed that ANYONE  could do it!

It was apparent that what the owners of this business had created was not just another company but a CASH MACHINE!

That salesman was so impressed, and he had such a clear vision of what else was possible with this business model, that he bought the company!

That salesman was, of course, Ray Kroc and the business model he bought was McDonald’s.

What Ray Kroc actually bought in 1952 from the MacDonald brothers was just one single restaurant location that served only three things – hamburgers, french fries, and milk shakes. The business was probably only making a couple hundred thousand dollars a year.

Fast forward to today, McDonald’s is a $28 billion a year business with over 25,000 locations, serving food to an estimated 58 million people every day.

What Ray Kroc did that was so unique, and so important to us, was to create the modern franchise model.

He took a system and duplicated it for huge profits. Before Ray Kroc began building his McDonald’s empire most franchising models granted their franchisees the right to use the name of the main business and nothing else. The franchisee was on their own when it came to operating the business.

What Ray Kroc did with McDonalds was to license entire business system.

When you bought a McDonald’s franchise from Ray Kroc you got the name and you also got the operational system that worked like a Swiss watch. A system that anyone could operate(even a high school kid).

How would you like to own such a business? You can! There are several models out there.

BUT BUYER BEWARE – Not All Franchise Models Are Created Equal!

Many franchising systems out there created for the first time business owner, and especially the home based business owner, miss a critical piece of the puzzle – They don’t provide adequate training.

Would you like to take a tour of working model that does?

This is the exact same online, work from home, business model that you can start today.

To your entrepreneurial success,

Del Lewis

p.s. – If you are thinking about being your own boss and starting your own company, or if you are looking for a better, easier, business opportunity check this out!



To your entrepreneurial success,

Del Lewis

P.S. If you’re feeling overloaded with information and you’re not getting the results you want - then you need to know - it’s not about the next great tip or product. It’s about implementation and execution! My team can work with you to get the outcomes you desire and the results you deserve! Click Here and See How We Do It!