Month: April 2020

Need To Pivot Your Business – Here’s a Simple But Powerful Way

If your business is being challenged by our current COVID-19 environment and you’re not quite sure how to pivot and make the necessary adjustments. I have a suggestion and a technique for you… Observe and imitate! Look, it’s probably quite obvious that the way you did business last year is not going to work now…. Read More

Time – You Either Have It Or You Don’t. Which Is The Case For You?

We had been at sea for nearly seven days, slow steaming from Algeria to Alexandria, Egypt and Port Said. I was an engineer aboard the S.S. Ruth Lykes, a general cargo ship (aka breakbulk ship), calling on ports in Europe and Africa. The Chief Mate estimated we would spend about three days in port, based… Read More

Creativity and Mistakes

Challenging times are the best times for creativity and mistakes. Yes, I said mistakes! As I write this, I’m on day 21 of self-imposed house arrest (aka “sheltering in place”). They say the COVID-19 pandemic is starting to subside ever so slightly, but I think we have a ways to go. As a business owner,… Read More

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