All to often would be entrepreneurs never even get stated because they think they need to hit a home run right out of the box. The other challenge entrepreneurs have is that hey feel everything has to be “just right” or they will be viewed as “less than good”, or not measuring up.


The fact of the matter is – Anything worth doing is… “worth doing”.

Now, just what do I mean by that? Well let me share a quick story (a true story) with you.

In the summer of 1994, a gentleman quit his job as a Vice President of a large financial services firm in New York. He moved with his wife to Seattle to start a new company. His original company offices were in an industrial neighborhood that shared space with a needle exchange program and a shuttered pawnshop. He had a total of 1,500 square feet of office space. The desks were made of cheap doors with sawed off two-by-fours for legs!

That man is Jeff Bezos, founder of! And we all know what Amazon is today!

Do you think Jeff Bezos would be where he is today if he had waited until everything was perfect, all the stars aligned? No, of course not! You see, anything worth doing is – “worth doing”. In other words just get started! You can always course correct along the way!

I have a member of my mastermind group, his name is Leo, and I truly love and respect Leo, as I do the other 2 members of my mastermind group. Leo is the one who gave me the gift of understanding the value of getting out of my own way and “doing something”. In fact Leo takes this concept one step further. Leo says that “anything worth doing is worth doing LOUSY”! The point being, just get out there and do it and make corrections along the way. Thank you Leo!

Let’s take a look at amazon again…

Did you know that the original company name was Cadabra? I don’t know for sure but my guess is this was a reference to “abra cadabra”. Just click and books magically arrive on your door step. But guess what – the name didn’t fly, because people kept mistaking it for “cadaver”!  Now as you can imaging, a corpse conjures up a whole different image that a magical event. So what did Mr. Bezos do? He course corrected and changed the company name! Now that was MAGIC!

Also, did you know that the computer program that was originally written to take the online orders had a glitch in it that allowed customers to order a negative quantity of books and that Amazon would actually credit their credit card with the price! Keep doing that for a while and see how long you stay in business! Again, they found the problem and made the change.

So here’s the bottom line for you (and me) as the entrepreneur, If it’s worth doing (like starting and building your own business) then it’s worth doing something! There will ALWAYS be mistakes, course corrections, changes to be made. That’s just business. But if you don’t do something, nothing will get done!

Here’s to your initiative, effort, and success! And remember, I’m always here to energize and enrich you!

To your entrepreneurial success,

Del Lewis

P.S. If you’re feeling overloaded with information and you’re not getting the results you want - then you need to know - it’s not about the next great tip or product. It’s about implementation and execution! My team can work with you to get the outcomes you desire and the results you deserve! Click Here and See How We Do It!